The Cold War MusemThe Cold War Musem

Atomový kryt Praha


The Jalta Hotel was built on a place of a former residential building which was accidentally destroyed in 1945 by ally pilots. Construction of the Jalta Hotel including a secret nuclear fallout shelter started in 1953. The second communist president Antonín Zápotocký and his architect Antonín Tenzer built it in so called Stalin?s baroque. The bunker was kept in secret from everyone for many years. After the Velvet revolution, it went under control of the civil defence of the capital city of Prague. In 1997 the bunker was given to the hotel owner and at least the employees could take a look inside.


Our museum opens again!

After the difficult year of 2020 and the spring of 2021, when covid-19 ruined hundreds of thousands of human lives and countless companies and museums fell into the financial abyss, so our Museum has woken up and is running for your favor with a debt burden. We are open daily.

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You can find our Cold War Museum in a former nuclear fallout shelter under the Jalta Hotel on Wenceslas Square in Prague. Part of the bunker including a surgery room is located under the Hotel´s Casino but is unfortunately not accessible. Technical hinterland with a water reservoir is not accessible as well. Aggregate is still used by the hotel as a backup energy source. Filter rooms with filters against dust and radiation are going to be renewed and opened to the public in the future. 


Most of the rooms were left empty, but not anymore. Our Association of The Czechoslovak Armed Forces made a deal with the Jalta Hotel on having a Cold War Museum in these rooms. We fill the rooms with exhibits telling a story of the Communist Czechoslovakia, the Armed Forces and the Jalta Hotel. Visitors have a chance to see the Room of Border guards, the Room of Public Security, the Spying Room and the Operator Room, where it is possible to try out the Morse f.e.


After entering the bunker, you will see the second communist president of Czechoslovakia Antonín Zápotocký, a former stonemason who took a part on construction of the Jalta Hotel. In the room on the right is a small telephone exchange and photographs from the opening year. Ambulance is in the following room. In our Cold War Museum, you can learn about the Iron Curtain, army equipment or about life of the border guards. In the Public Security office you´ll hear about the questioning of the suspects during communism. You´ll also have a chance to see a telex T100, police uniforms and much more. In the spying room are military telephone exchanges redesigned for listening the phone calls of the Jalta Hotel guests with a chance to record everything on a tape.


The whole bunker could accommodate supposedly 150 people for approximately two weeks.