The Cold War MusemThe Cold War Musem

Atomový kryt Praha

About Us

Our group was founded in 2013 as The "Czechoslovak Armed Forces Association" and is interested in history of the armed forces in Czechoslovakia from 1945 to 1993. Our goal is to show the public various aspects of history as part of an interactive tour.

As a new group, we´re looking for people who are as enthusiastic about this part of history as we are. We offer many opportunities to self-realization.

Expenses of having a museum like this are quite high. That´s why we ask public for financial support to get new exhibits and other equipment for our Cold War Museum.

We´re looking for technical equipment like telephones, transmitters, radio stations, aggregates, uniforms, air-conditioning from civil shelters and broken weapons. We would also appreciate some civil stuff like printings, army chronicles, various documentation and awards.

If you had an opportunity to donate, lend or sell anything like that, please let us know.


Thank you ahead for your support.

Yours sincerely Museum Members